About Boğaziçi University

Boğaziçi University is an elite research university, with outstanding undergraduate and graduate programs in the natural and social sciences, humanities, engineering, education, and applied disciplines. The flexibility of its academic programs, the wide range of courses offered, and the emphasis on interdisciplinary curricula are significant advantages that characterize and distinguish the institution.

Boğaziçi University’s high standards in education and research are acknowledged throughout the world. Its excellent and well-deserved academic reputation attracts the best students in the country. Most of the students admitted to undergraduate degree programs are ranked in the top one half of one percent of the more than 2 million Turkish students seeking admission to university annually.
Boğaziçi’s faculty members have doctoral degrees from top North American and European institutions, and its scholars have the highest number of cumulative citations among all Turkish universities based on the Thomson Reuters “Web of Knowledge” database.

Boğaziçi is endorsed by the European Universities Association (EUA) and all departments of the Faculty of Engineering have been accredited by the Accreditation Board of Engineering Technology (ABET) since 1998.

The language of instruction at Boğaziçi is English. However, you can learn many languages while you are here as the languages taught at Boğaziçi University include Turkish, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Arabic, Latin, Persian, Ancient Greek, Modern Greek, Armenian, and Korean.